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Minipig: The Tastiest, Most Adorable Genetically Engineered Pet On The Planet

March 9, 2011

A couple of months back my brother dropped a bomb on me: he wanted a minipig and he wanted to name her Gertrude Mini Pig. Gertie for short.  Since then, he’s gotten a girlfriend so I think that void has been filled.

I’ve been looking into these so-called minipigs and while it has lead me to some of the cutest pictures and videos on the internet (see below), it also lead me to some heart-breaking news: they cost about a grand each and after about 4 years they actually grow up to be fat as fuck (see bottom two pictures).


This is my brother when he is old enough to be able to afford a minpig.

Fully Grown “Minipig”

This might actually be the opposite of a minipig, I’m not sure.

Apparently minipigs are all the rage in Europe right now. Unfortunately people are buying them under the impression that they stay mini, and then they end up with this heffer and don’t know what to do.

I’m hoping my brother doesn’t ever learn this. I really want to see how that plays out.

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